Time For Change

The constitution of human existence is a pure unifying fact and singularity in ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE. Therefore, the constitution of human existence cannot be represented or replaced with numerous conflicting religious beliefs and plurality in many different gods as our different creators. To do so is to ask for crisis as is now very obvious.

The single unifying fact and singularity of human existence in ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE was meant to provide a single unifying platform for human peaceful coexistence and fulfillment of paradise on Earth.

Unfortunately, our ancient ancestors ignorance and their conflicting religious beliefs and plurality in many different gods, has turned our platform for perfect peace into the platform for the destructive religious conflicts, violence and wars that is destroying human peace and morality and denying humanity the fulfillment of utopia and paradise on Earth. Utopia in real without religious hatred, enmity, conflicts, violence and wars for gods. The time has come for humanity of the present scientific age of   astronomy and space exploration to realize this ignorance and belief that is misdirecting us from our platform for perfect peace into the destructive conflicting religious beliefs in gods and the violence and wars, and to change from our ancient ancestors destructive religious beliefs in gods as our creators to the single unifying fact of existence and knowledge that ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE made we humans and gods to be in existence.

This change will free humanity on Earth from our ancient ancestor’s ignorance of astronomy and their devastating conflicting religious beliefs in gods and the violence and wars, by directing us to use our scientific knowledge of astronomy to know ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE, with infinite possibilities, homogeneously made we humans to exist and coexist in perfect peace and paradise on Earth ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE is not a belief, a god or a religion. ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE is ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE, our multiversal singularity and reality of existence, with infinite possibilities for the fulfillment of paradise on Earth.

To ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE we humans and gods are to direct our worship and prayers for ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE made we humans and gods to be in existence and sustained.

Our ancient ancestor’s ignorance of astronomy misled them to believe that gods are their creators.

Our scientific knowledge of astronomy leads and guides us to know that ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE made we humans and gods to be in existence.

If our ancient ancestors had our scientific knowledge of astronomy and space exploration technologies, they would not have believed that gods are their creators. So why are we of the present scientific age of astronomy and space exploration still believing in gods as our magical creators instead of using our scientific knowledge of astronomy to know ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE ultra scientifically made we humans to be in existence and sustained

Let us use our scientific knowledge with wisdom

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