The Knowers know our true Creator.

How can we know our true Creator

The only way we can know our true Creator, is for us to interpret existence with the correct model of astronomy.
There are two models of astronomy. They are our ancient ancestor’s geocentric model of astronomy and our current heliocentric model of astronomy, which Galileo confirmed with his telescope.
Our ancient ancestor’s geocentric model of astronomy made them to believe that the Sun is moving round our planet Earth, that our planet Earth is the only Planet in existence and is the beginning of existence by god
The heliocentric model of astronomy makes us to know that our planet Earth is one of the planets moving round the Sun in our Solar system, our Solar system is one of the solar systems in our Milky way galaxy, our Milky way galaxy is one of the galaxies in our Universe and our Universe is one of the universes in the Multiverse in the infinity of existence by Ultra ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE.
The heliocentric model of astronomy is the model of astronomy that we can use to interpret existence correctly and know Ultra ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE infinitely Creates stars and planets in solar systems, solar systems in galaxies, galaxies in universes, universes in the Multiverse and myriads of wonderful creations and humans and gods to be in existence.
When we know and worship and pray to Ultra ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE, we will be free from religious hatred and violence, unnecessary problems and sicknesses and live in perfect peace and fulfill Paradise on our planet Earth.
It is better to know than to believe. Be a Knower and let us use our knowledge with wisdom.
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