The Fact And Reality Of Existence

We humans and gods are existing in ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE that made we humans and gods to be in existence.

A belief is not fact and that is why everyone does not agree with a belief,  just as the religious belief in gods as our creators is not the scientific fact of our existence, and that is why everyone does not agree with one religious belief in one god, which is the reason for the religious conflicts, violence and wars on Earth, A belief is unreal, unstable, deceptive and a source of conflict.

It was our ancient ancestor’s ignorance of astronomy that misled them to believe in different gods as their different magical creators.

Our scientific knowledge of astronomy guides us to know that ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE ultra scientifically made us humans and gods to be in existence.

Note that the science of astronomy is for studying not only the universes, galaxies, stars, planets and solar systems, but is also the science that guides humans to know ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE, our singularity, ultra scientifically creates the multiverse and we humans and gods to be in existence and sustained.

COMPARE: Compare our ancient ancestor’s geocentric ignorance of astronomy with our heliocentric scientific knowledge of astronomy to understand why our ancient ancestor’s ignorance of astronomy misled them to believe that gods are their magical creators, which unfortunately continues in the present scientific age of astronomy and space exploration.

This comparison will enable us to use our scientific knowledge of astronomy to prove that a god or gods are not our creators, and to use this knowledge to re-educate and redirect ourselves to know that ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE ultra scientifically creates the multiverse and the trillions and trillions of galaxies, stars, planets, solar systems and we humans and gods to be in existence and sustained.


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