
Our ancient ancestors’ ignorance of astronomy misled them to believe that gods are their magical creators and their religious belief in gods has become so established such that the general understanding and interpretation of existence now revolves around belief and gods. We now have religious belief, “scientific” belief and atheist belief.

In view of this established representation and interpretation of the fact of existence with different beliefs and the representation of ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE with gods and the representation of our peace with religious conflicts and violence, it has become absolutely and urgently necessary to re-educate and redirect humanity to the fact and reality of our peaceful coexistence in ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE.

The re-education and redirection programme, will require the use of our scientific knowledge of astronomy and our knowledge of ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE to correct and replace our ancient ancestors religious beliefs in gods as our creators. This change will replace the religious conflicts, violence and wars with perfect peace and paradise on Earth.

Our re-education and redirection programme will be very easy and secure because we are now in the information age which makes it easy for us to search the internet for up to date information and knowledge of astronomy and developments in space exploration without being misled by religion; by following the scientific fact and not the religious or ‘‘scientific’’ beliefs. This is why it will be compulsory for everyone to develop interest in astronomy and space exploration as a means of knowing why our ancient ancestors’ ignorance of astronomy misled them to believe that gods are their creators and why we cannot continue to follow their ignorance and their conflicting religious beliefs in gods as our creators. This change will put an end to their destructive religious conflicts violence and wars that is destroying our human peace and morality and paradise on Earth.

The science of astronomy is meant for studying not only the universes, galaxies, stars, planets and solar systems, but is also the science for knowing that ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE creates the multiverse and we humans and gods to be in existence and sustained.

Our ancient ancestor’s ignorance of astronomy misled them to believe that gods are their magical creators.

Our scientific knowledge of astronomy and space exploration guides us to know that ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE made us humans and gods to be in existence.

 If our ancient ancestors had our scientific knowledge of astronomy and space exploration technologies, they would not have believed that gods are their creators.

So why are we of the present scientific age of astronomy and space exploration still believing in gods as our magical creators instead of using our scientific knowledge of astronomy to know ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE ultra scientifically made we humans to be in existence and sustained.

Let us use our scientific knowledge with Wisdom.