Our Ancient Ancestors Geocentric Ignorance Of Astronomy.

Our ancient ancestors believed that our planet Earth is flat and stationary and that the sun moves round the stationary planet Earth. Their ignorance of astronomy misled them to believe that our flat and stationary planet Earth is the geocentric centre of the universe and the only planet in existence and therefore was the beginning of entire existence.

Our ancient ancestors geocentric ignorance of astronomy further misled them to believe that there was a beginning when there was only heaven and the flat and stationary planet Earth in entire existence, and that gods in heavens magically made we humans and the other creatures and plants and the (sun) light to appear instantly on the flat and stationary planet Earth. Though our ancestor’s religious interpretations of existence tend to vary, but they are basically the same in terms of their ignorance of astronomy and their belief in gods and goddesses as their creators. These various conflicting religious beliefs in gods, that was due to our ancestors ignorance, continues in the present scientific age of astronomy and space exploration.

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