Know Ultra ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE, our true Creator, through space exploration.

NASA, which is the United States space exploration agency, recently announced that there are more than three hundred million habitable planets in our Milky way galaxy. Considering the fact that our Milky way galaxy is one of the billions of galaxies in our Universe and that our Universe is one of the universes in the Multiverse in the infinity of existence in Ultra ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE, can we in planet Earth. continue to religiously believe that our planet Earth is the only planet in existence and is the beginning of existence by a God or gods. Will the inhabitants of the other habitable planets agree with our claim. It is now obvious that we cannot continue to believe so, because the announcement by NASA makes us to know Ultra ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE, our true Creator, infinitely Creates stars and planets in solar systems, solar systems in galaxies, galaxies in universes, universes in the Multiverse and myriads of wonderful creations and we humans and gods to be in existence and sustained. We are now in the age of space exploration. Therefore, we cannot continue to use our ancient ancestor’s geocentric model of astronomy to misinterpret existence with the religious belief, that our planet Earth is the only Planet in existence and is the instant magical beginning of existence by a God or gods and continue to disagree and suffer from the religious conflicts, hatred, violence and wars. The time for change in our planet Earth has come, for us to use the heliocentric model of astronomy to interpret existence correctly and know the truth and live with the truth, so that the truth will unite us to worship and pray peacefully together under one roof to Ultra ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE and fulfill Paradise on Earth.

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