

A change from our ancient ancestor’s numerous conflicting religious beliefs and plurality in many different gods as our different creators to the single unifying fact and singularity of human peaceful existence in ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE, our mutiversal singularity.

A change from our ancient ancestor’s, religious, plurality in many gods and the destructive violence and wars, to our scientific singularity in ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE for perfect peace and paradise on Earth

A change from our ancient ancestor’s ignorance and culture of religious of belief that misguides humans to represent the fact of existence with belief and to do the wrong things and commit religious atrocities which they believe is right and justified, to a new era of scientific knowledge and the culture of fact that will guide humans to represent the fact of existence with fact and to do the right things and coexist in perfect peace.

A change from being deceived by religion that claims to preach peace and morality, but is teaching and engaging humanity in the destructive religious hatred, enmity, violence and wars that is destroying human peace and morality, by using our scientific knowledge of astronomy to know that we are being deceived and misled.

A change from following our ancient ancestor’s ignorance of astronomy and their conflicting religious beliefs in gods and in a beginning with only heaven and Earth, by using our scientific knowledge of astronomy to know that ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE infinitely creates the multiverse and trillions and trillions of galaxies, stars, planets, solar systems and we humans and gods to be in existence and sustained.

Our ancient ancestor’s ignorance of astronomy misled them to believe that gods are their magical creators.

 Our scientific knowledge of astronomy and space exploration leads and guides us to know ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE ultra scientifically creates the multiverse and we humans and gods to be in existence and sustained.

Let us use our scientific knowledge with wisdom.