The KNOWERS know our true Creator.

Hurray! Hurray!! Hurray!!! We now know our true Creator, because we know that anything that is in existence is existing in Ultra ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE and anything and everything that are existing in Ultra ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE, are creations of Ultra ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE!! This is why we normally say that the stars, planets, solar systems, galaxies, universes and the myriads of creations and we humans and God and gods are all in existence. We normally say that we are all in existence, because we know that we are all existing in Ultra ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE and since we are all existing in Ultra ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE, it means that Ultra ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE Creates we all to be in existence and since Ultra ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE Creates we all to be in existence, it means that the stars, planets, solar systems, galaxies, universes and the myriads of creations and we humans and God and gods have one and the same Creator. Ultra ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE Creates we all to be in existence, because the building blocks of life and the conditions and processes that makes we all to be in existence, are also existing in Ultra ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE. This means that Ultra ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE Creates and provides the building blocks of life and the conditions and processes that makes the cosmic systems and we humans and gods and everything to be in existence and sustained. This fact means that to be in existence is to exist in Ultra ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE and to exist in Ultra ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE is to be Created by Ultra ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE. This fact of existence guides we humans on planet Earth to know Ultra ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE Creates we humans and God and gods to be in existence and since Ultra ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE Creates we humans and God and gods to be in existence, it means that we humans will worship and pray to Ultra ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE under one roof in perfect peace. When humanity on planet Earth know and worship and pray to Ultra ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE under one roof, we will no longer suffer from the religious conflicts, hatred, violence and wars, or suffer from bad diseases, disasters and unnecessary problems. We will no longer suffer, because Ultra ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE did not Create we humans to suffer. The fact is that Ultra ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE Create we humans to have the best. That is why, unlike the other animals, we humans cook our food, wear clothes, live in houses, produce and use cars, planes, trains, ships, computers, phones etc, etc, and even travel outside our planet. Unfortunately we are not enjoying our special privileges in perfect peace because of the conflicting religious beliefs in God and gods and the religious hatred, violence and wars, that has been preventing us from living in perfect peace and fulfilling Paradise on Earth. The time has come for we humans on planet Earth to know that we are in existence, because Ultra ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE Create us to be in existence. This fact unites humanity on planet Earth to worship and pray peacefully together to Ultra ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE under one roof and have the perfect peace we need to fulfill Paradise on our planet Earth. Let us be Knowers of our true Creator and live and worship and pray together under one roof and enjoy our privileges in perfect peace. It is better to know that we are in existence than to believe that we are in existence, because to believe is not the same as to know. Please support this reality message.

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